I just voted "CR7" on "Poll by @iran1.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xc17275d5968c4cd3c5edbb5cd52888ca19a93f99532eddb6397f85f873bc9695 #Snapshot
I just voted "No ❎" on "Poll by @yoginth.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x04e4c4bceee9ed9e54b6012d566d139e7c334829ddf27307fd11fd29882f7950 #snapshotlabs
Currently, there is a war on what currency the next world reserve currency.
#Bitcoin is next.
I just voted "Yes" on "Tally ho " snapshot.org/#/tahodao.eth/proposal/0xaadd1db861aa278b2511d14a0f493b3cc86736aada023e159cbaa53d30ae4fe3 #snapshotlabs
"#Bitcoin is more than a new technology. #Bitcoin is a cultural phenomenon. An idea and a movement that represents a more connected and free world." -@jackmallers