Misty mountains
This phenomenon is known as “cold air drainage.” This cooler air lowers the surrounding air temperatures closer to the dew point and subsequently saturation. If there is sufficient moisture in the air, fog will begin to form in these valleys as the night progresses.
Misty mountains
This phenomenon is known as “cold air drainage.” This cooler air lowers the surrounding air temperatures closer to the dew point and subsequently saturation. If there is sufficient moisture in the air, fog will begin to form in these valleys as the night progresses.
The beauty of owning an EtherRock is that you own a very expensive digital item that doesn’t have even point to an image of a rock. The pure absurdity of owning genuinely only an ID number is the appeal. That and there are only 100, and the the 100 owners are all worth knowing.
Ferris WheeFerris Wheel
A Ferris wheel is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating upright wheel with multiple passenger-carrying components attached to the rim in such a way that as the wheel turns, they are kept upright, usually by gravity.