100%互关!Follow Back 100%, so please follow me.
I'm big fan of crypto, web3, defi, nft and decentralized social apps! love to travel all over the world!
Check out my @etherScore.lens profile to see my on-chain reputation and badges!! #Web3 #Soulbound
Just minted Day 57 on @basepaint_xyz! Hundreds of pixel artists made this together on the blockchain. Minting is open only for 24h
Remember to collect this for LENS 1 Year Anniversary lenster.xyz/posts/0x01-0x01d5
Remember to Donate on Gitcoin twitter.com/gitcoin/status/1651319024200892416
There are some creative projects out there, but the process to donate looks less convenient than previous rounds. You won't be able to donate to multiple rounds at one time but you can donate to multiple projects within one round. To donate to multiple rounds you need to go back to grants.gitcoin.co home page after each transaction.
Ecosystem for HOT blockchain Scroll scroll.io/alpha/ecosystem Sui: suiecosystem.cc Fuel fuelmap.xyz
I'm saying my piece in the #futureofsocial by signing the @t2world.lens manifesto. Which values do you support?
Just wondering why Metamask Wallet owners can not change their secrect phrases? I mean just in case the wallet owners are fully aware the "old secret phrases " have been exposed to somwhere.
6 amazing places you should not miss to see
6 amazing places you should not miss to see @lensprotocol @lenster.lens @74711.lens @defidad.lens @kuanka.lens #lens #travel #places