Check my Builder Score on Talent Passport!
The resume for the onchain era of the internet by @talentprotocol
Congratulations $BONSAI
with 1.218.344 BONSAI
from 5.672 collects in the past 7 days
I just claimed "one million tokens" on Coinvise, check it out!
I just voted "Yes" on "Beefy provides $OP incentives for STG liquidity." snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xd6bb6427e285ae4e269ebb9f4d0396808d2de356c654c19877402da4e3e8c44a #Snapshot
I just voted "Vote here" on "Poll by @indev.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xd94d0ba4b89f86a7d4ad22c4cf317b0e008b30604a95bb478abb510af27fab16 #Snapshot