I just voted "Yes" on "Create a Secure UniswapV3 Oracle for STG with Arrakis PALM" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x9b511ccf8bd097176255da63725877de9f80caeea8a28256ff50dfad10a3820d #snapshotlabs
SPECIAL FISHERMEN RATS GIVEAWAY!!! Win a @kandyland_io #5660 To be eligible you have to - HODL a Secret Rat Society NFT - Fish for a minimum of 0.01 in the next 24H Like, Retweet and tag 2 friends We will also drop a @metalegendsnft to a secret rat society holder! @thejunkyardNFT
I just voted "Yes" on "Make Velodrome the STG Hub on Optimism" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xd78c441994d140edde34131051113479651c593ab83badebc537a347ba86b705 #snapshotlabs
The Smurfs Society @thesmurfssociety.lens
New chapter of quest just started don't miss it guys !!
They are doing awesome job there
#web3 #smurf #quests