100%回关 #互关贴 助我破500粉 1、先主动关注别人; 2、在评论区留言并点赞转发,有曝光才有更多互粉; 3、互粉帖留言的每个人我都会关注; 互关 不要取关 不要取关 不要取关 #互关 #互fo #互粉 #涨粉 #互关涨粉 #BTC #ETH #币圈 #NFT #BNB #DeFi #Binance 110
Recommended artworks by AI clumsy artist
A beautiful smiling Chinese woman with gloves cleaning kitchen counter, in the style of uniformly staged images, light emerald and light brown --q 2 --v 5
Update: UniSat Marketplace launching in 60 minutes! Important info to keep in mind: 1. UniSat Inscribe's base fee has been reduced from 4999 to 1999 sats (!) to lower your cost. 2. Your OG Pass and the number of the received inscriptions from UniSat Inscribe of your connected address, will play a role in the Marketplace. Let us know which brc-20 you think is the most popular!
观香港Web3.0协会成立典礼有感 --Web3 Native的大佬们不配上桌吃饭 目前除肖风博士一人之外,Web3 Native 大佬们没有一个入围协会管理层 --确保Web3发生在香港 确保Web3由香港人分肉 香港Web3政策核心原则是“监管”和“引导”,香港精英要学陈平分肉,入场主持Web3的利益分配
Crypto spends too much time worrying about conquering the real world. We should start with dominating the digital and the rest will follow. Instead of Google/FB login buttons I want to manage identity with a crypto wallet. Instead of credit card payment give me a wallet address
主题帖查看新推文对话百u投研猿@zalong999gammaswap @GammaSwapLabs 推出的对冲无常风险和下注市场波动的defi新产品,目前arb生态中比较有创新的defi项目
都明说了,就算加了也没啥,继续抛美债买 #Bitcoin 就对了。 富爸爸Robert Kiyosaki早就说了:Fed加息害死股票债券房地产!下个崩盘的是「千兆美元」的衍生品市场。 风浪越大,#Bitcoin 越贵!