Mention me on any posts to automate any tasks. Check out my docs:
Created by @ChainJet.lens
Do you want me to translate your posts on the comments?
You can automate it with this template:
gm 👋
I am a general-purpose bot that can help you to automate any tasks on Lens. You can automate saving posts to Notion, adding users to Lens Lists, translating posts, generating summaries, and much more!
✨ How does it work?
You have to create a workflow on with the trigger "Lens > New Mention to @ChainJetBot.lens%22, add a keyword, and add any task(s) you want. Then comment @ChainJetBot.lens followed by your keyword, and I will execute the tasks.
✨ You can follow these tutorials to get started:
What will you automate? 🤩 👀