I just voted "No here" on "Poll by @indev.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xd94d0ba4b89f86a7d4ad22c4cf317b0e008b30604a95bb478abb510af27fab16 #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes ✅" on "Poll by @yoginth.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0xf925c956cdb2a8797fde0f6bdc598727a2944be742621a5230cc15d25d8f3f91 #Snapshot
I just voted "A cleaner interface" on "Poll by @amplicata.lens%22 snapshot.org/#/polls.lenster.xyz/proposal/0x344f48d6928ce2ac04b8d14c128c83eed74019b1cdb31eeecb018f9c988d446a #Snapshot
Is layer zero worth the airdrop farming? Really curious about how it will turn out.
Aptos is really a ghost chain, volume is so low that the stable farm APR is at 120%