如果在这上半年还没赚到钱 那今年接下来的日子就别去折腾了吧
我觉得空仓能跑赢90%的人 我的错误在于在该做现货的时期折腾期货 这也是我行情认知问题 也足够我自己反思反省
深夜讲个币圈鬼故事:我看见又有人开始奶 #ICP 这玩意了...... 这些年就没见有人在二级市场上笑着走出来,早期投资者早早赢麻了,现在还奶可能是觉得机构下车了?但是这辆车实在太重了,虽然看它们的数据的确蛮牛的,觉得倾向洗盘结束?我的观点:別搏~
cc空投领取 8.15日12点开始 (不确定这是什么时间,猜跟交易一个时间,是北京时间晚上八点) cc ieo挖矿:8.2—8.31 cc交易时间:8.15日20点(北京时间)
Can not wait to try lens SDK
Introducing the Lens SDK – your new go-to toolkit to create powerful experiences & applications for the social layer of Web3.
Developers rejoice! We have lowered the barrier to entry and made it easier than ever to create innovative, powerful, and engaging Lens apps and experiences. With the new Lens SDK you can plug into the Web3 social layer with just 10 lines of code.
Pick and choose the features you want - only the components you use contribute to the final size of your app bundles. These capabilities are all handled by the Lens SDK, allowing developers to focus on their core features.
The SDK is modular and composable. It seamlessly integrates with other Web3 projects, protocols, and tools such as @litprotocol.lens to enable token-gated publications.
Mobile apps have been some of the biggest success stories on Lens. The new SDK doubles down on mobile support, starting with React Native. With the SDK, you can build polished mobile apps without underlying knowledge of the Lens API or Lens Protocol.
Come build the future on the social layer of Web3.
Get started in our dev docs: docs.lens.xyz/docs/sdk-react-intro and dive into our latest blog here: mirror.xyz/lensprotocol.eth/LtJBLD6zX_P9EYdsJ2DrT9RaCbiE2vvtajF4Md6wHr0
ordinals 挺酷的,我也买了些 btc nft,我认可刻在btc上永久存在的价值叙事。 brc20有争议,实现方式不那么优雅。之所以买和持有,是看好流动性的价值,好上所和上涨。长期怎么走,得看有没有新的叙事和实现方式推动。 其他的rc20,没有突破性创新的,可炒作空间不大,能超越的不会是这些玩意。
gm lens frens 👋
Today I have made an important decision in my life 📢
I quit my job today and going to focus full-time on maintaining the first-ever open-source frontend @lenster.lens 🌸 powered by @lensprotocol 🌿.
Building social media was my dream since 10th grade, I built more than 4 social media in public but all failed, Lenster is my 5th one and it’s going crazy ⚡️.
I believe building in public is key 🔑 to the success of a product.
We have a lot of items queued up in the roadmap, be excited about it 🕺
Collect this post for 2 WMATIC and support Lenster’s development 🙏