I just voted "Create a memecoin on Pond Fun." on "Create a memecoin on Pond Fun" snapshot.org/#/beaverbuilder.eth/proposal/0x3de8186f0eb75675ce95b3b01ae79ce7afae693f5336cdd96795b958d8c95e9a #SnapshotVote
I just claimed "The Block Community Pass" on Coinvise, check it out!
Do you like the Snapshot integration with Lenster? snapshot.org/#/yoginth.eth/proposal/0x9287c40edcd68c362c7c4139fe3489bbaaa27cf4de68be5c218a82d0f252e718 #snapshotlabs
I'm saying my piece in the #futureofsocial by signing the @t2world.lens manifesto. Which values do you support?
লেন্স বুম হৈ আছে, আমি মাত্ৰ ধৈৰ্য্য ধৰিব লাগিব আৰু ইয়াৰ ফলপ্ৰসূতালৈ অপেক্ষা কৰিব লাগিব