I just voted "yes" on "Proposal to Approve Stargate Deployment on Scroll" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x1a1199e257551beac23b21fdba98f6efba2773a52135ad848fc6ad5b22b5d627 #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Deprecation of METIS Pool on BSC" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x85c675f303a69df297e1fdcf6dc2845366a8672362e946150ba4a4d7928cc8ea #Snapshot
I just voted "Yes" on "Stargate Deployment On Kava" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xed5fe9d40c9e82a53c548d4458fdca91d6d26c12cc34303c205906b5e1854e29 #Snapshot
No one wants to hang out with Jessy cause I said I work in NFTs - they said: scam likely
I just voted "Yes" on "Make Velodrome the STG Hub on Optimism" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0xf980d6deed62c3d77dd055963724b9d07ea0f383a2142703e5581c8e751b06ad #snapshotlabs
I just voted "Yes" on "Create a Secure UniswapV3 Oracle for STG with Arrakis PALM" snapshot.org/#/stgdao.eth/proposal/0x9b511ccf8bd097176255da63725877de9f80caeea8a28256ff50dfad10a3820d #snapshotlabs
融资了3亿美金的明星项目公链sui 据不可靠消息,sui会在四月中旬进行公募 sui在前几天推出了永久性测试网 类比aptos测试网领nft,零撸单号收益1500U 抓紧时间去交互吧
JUST IN: Hong Kong to facilitate banking and financing for #Bitcoin and crypto firms in attempt to become a global hub - Bloomberg
Each time you undertake something, it could fail, it could crumble. That’s the reality. But when you trust that the Almighty always has your best interest, things take on a different turn. He will steer and guide you towards what’s best. Never doubt that. He’s your Best Planner.