I just voted "For" on "Proposal: Building the Future of NFTs: The Rarible Protocol - Arbitrum Integration Proposal [REVISED]" snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0x66b953a7cf4de9f6de54e6eb87ae291b5cc62f12c7fed68eba91043607883221 #Snapshot
“Our thoughts, feelings, processes, and unconscious beliefs have an energy that is hidden in the work. This unseen, unmeasurable force gives each piece its magnetism. A completed project is only made-up of our intention and our experiments around it. Remove intention and all that’s left is the ornamental shell. Though the artist may have a number of goals and motivations, there is only one intention. This is the grand gesture of the work.”
― Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being