All other men are specialists, but his specialism is omniscience.
I once accidentally walked into the men's restroom thinking it was the ladies room. It wasn't until I saw a man at a urinal that I realized my mistake!
So high as a tree aspires to grow, so high will it find an atmosphere suited to it.
Our Lord! send amongst them an Apostle of their own, who shall rehearse Thy Signs to them and instruct them in scripture and wisdom, and sanctify them: For Thou art the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
There are continents and seas in the moral world, to which every man is an isthmus or inlet, yet unexplored by him.
Time draweth wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast friend, which neither heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can alter or diminish.