所以欢哥作为Ordinals乃至BRC-20协议的最早期分享者,对BRC-20原协议做一下改进,希望各个平台方 @unisat_wallet%EF%BC%8Cidclub @moffat2021 支持一下:
When huge web3 / #Crypto companies like @cryptocom claim their .polygon domains from @unstoppableweb , you know this much: 1) UD is a trusted naming service in the space 2) .polygon is (@0xPolygon) 3) UD is…well…pretty much #Unstoppable at the moment!
$CHR #Chromia 100% 100x coming
DeAWS + DePostgreSQL + Onchain Storage + On-chain Indexing + On-chain Hosting + Relational Database + EVM-Compatible (called EIF) + Custom gas fee structure + Cross-chain in the entire ecosystem and external EVMs (called ICMF) + New Standard NFTs😉
If anyone asks me which new #Layer1 has a market around $100M that has the potential to become the next big tech unicorn after @0xPolygon $MATIC, the same way $MATIC did, it's @Chromia $CHR.