Lido V2 的Staking Router是一个控制器合约,它为未经许可的节点运营商加入 Lido 的验证器集铺平了道路。目前处于政策讨论阶段,首批模块预计将于年底上线。
Since using mac, I feel that it was a very wrong choice not to use Apple products before. I have been using non-Apple computers and mobile phones in the past, specifically Lenovo computers and Android phones. Android phones, such as Huawei phones, are actually not bad, and they can be used fairly easily. However, Lenovo computers really greatly reduced their work efficiency, and the losses caused are estimated to have bought n Apple computers.
For eating tools, it must be optimized as much as possible, because this will greatly improve work efficiency and increase work output. These outputs are sufficient to cover the cost of purchasing these hardware.
I think the lens team is really restrained, because they recently stated that they would give the advertising business to a third party. This is actually a big cake, but they chose not to do it themselves, but to do it by ecological applications. This is the positioning of a real platform. If you do the main revenue-generating business yourself, then it will compete with ecological projects and it will not be a real platform. Lens chooses to make its own social graph and backend, and any application on the frontend is done by a third party.
我记得00075.lens这个域名我是在十多美金的时候捡漏的,现在lens profile的地板价格都已经是买入价格的十倍了,而其真实的价值将会随着lens生态的发展而不断增长。
LUSD在USDC depeg期间也是depeg的,但是LUSD的机制使得其具有天生的恢复peg的能力,并且LUSD的持有人还因为拥有套利机制而获利。所以其实是有点反脆弱的感觉,而不是会陷入死亡螺旋。作为去中心化的超额抵押稳定币,我相信在未来它会拥有更广阔的发展空间。
When you are lying on the hospital bed, you already know that your cancer is terminal, and your values and outlook on life begin to reset. If I had known why today, life suddenly became extremely precious in the face of life and death. At this time, I don’t want anything but health, the existence that I once took for granted.
Due to fierce competition, the commission rate in the NFT trading market has dropped to 0, and the transaction itself is not differentiated, but standardized, so homogeneous competition is inevitable. So will the follow-up commission rate in the staking field drop to 0?