disruptor@disruptor·Apr 16

AI's Hidden Threat: Eroding Human Decision-Making Skills

Psychology professor warns that relying on AI for decisions may lead to a less thoughtful society, as people lose essential decision-making abilities.


  • Pan Winyl@panwinyl·Apr 16

    Psychologists have been warning of the consequences of ubiquitous technology in our lives for years. Have the suicides of youngsterss due to instagram algorithms stopped the Meta from further developing their platforms? No, they don't even think about compensation.

    So much money has been put into AI that it will be pushed into our lives, and since our decision-making and rational thinking has already been undermined by social app algorithms, most of society enjoys the 'pictures' and 'music' they 'create' with AI and doesn't see or want to hear about the risks!

    • Comma@comma·Apr 16

      that's why I only have stupid friends
