i’m not with these rankings and social credit score systems. not sure what value they actually provide other than to encourage people to assume things about you based on a number someone else assigned to you. i despise the effect social media follower counts have had on most of the general public for the last decade and a half at least and this just seems like an extension of that.

  • Gavin@cooke94844·May 04

    Totally agree 20 $ 00

    • Paul Burke@paulburke·Apr 29

      I’m torn. Whether or not you can see them, every social network will determine a “score” for you. At least in Lens we can actually see the scores.

      They actually provide a ton of value in a world of algorithmic curation. I’m not sure knowing the scores has much value though. Seems to encourage people to figure out how to game the system, rather than simply add value with their context and engagement.

      That said, some of the scores here seem really subjective, and coincidentally give the score creator the highest score. 😅 Makes it kind of hard to take it seriously.

      • i think its just the reflection what we have all done irl, since kindergarten to university, working a 9-5 or whatever before retired, rankings and score systems have always been there
        they have been there because competition is in there, perhaps our society is based on competition, and what have competiton done to each one of us

        • totally agree , my friend who hasn’t been active for more than 6 months has a better ranking 🤷🏻.
          the irony is that i'm active every day . even collecting post and been collected . doesn’t make any sense.
