Why is God a lobster?

God is a lobster, a double articulation relative to substance and form, of imposition and actualization. Substances are formed matters, i.e. territories. The forms are forms of codification and decodification, that is to say, reterritorialization and deterritorialization.

At bottom, "god is a lobster" is a formula for creativity coined by Deleuze and Guattari, the purpose of thought is to be inventive, to create new concepts, analogies or forms of understanding. It applies to art, science and everything you can think of.

Placing yourself within a territory, saying I am this or that, is not necessarily bad (at least you will be able to laugh at the same memes with your peers), but staying there prevents you from developing your creative potential, I even dare to say that staying too territorialized is equivalent to madness in a negative sense, remember that the only eternal thing is change and always doing the same thing expecting different results is not coincidentally one of its definitions.

Deleuze and Guattari propose us to be nomads, to cross the limits constantly, not too fast and aggressive to fall into the void and self-destruct, but enough to treat yourself as a work of art in constant creation, the Nietzschean superman-child that recreates the world. Nietzsche claims that the organism seeks power, expansion, happiness is only a consequence of this, Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is constantly expanding (and by rule of three so is our consciousness) and Jung discovered the same thing about the unconscious.

It is easier to insert ourselves into pre-existing forms because this saves us the arduous task of having to create ourselves, to say I am this or that based on a few youtube videos, the psychological disorder in fashion or some Netflix series that made us awaken our sense of revelation, is to let our mental energy territorialize in the symbols that the system serves us on a platter for us to identify ourselves, it is to let ourselves be dragged by inertia.

To some extent this is inevitable when we come into the world and we are impressionable little ones trying to enter the language, but there is a reason why the myth of rebirth is present in all religions, this is an inevitable process of development and expansion of being, and also the true meaning of the concept of deconstruction coined by Derrida, disassemble the parts to rebuild them in a more current, functional, beautiful or perfect way, but not that this deconstruction is no longer given by an Other (this is the trap desertas of this concept today), if not discover it through the game. To navigate in the world of language we have to find those signifiers that signify us, but to treat them as a child treats his toys even when he throws them out of the window.

So why is god a lobster? Because this double articulation between substance and form, or between essence and matter is also the structure of the divine, God is the totality of real, Espinoza would say.

Collect this post to be a son of the lobster god, be part of this new religion.

Post by @andresbriceno.lens