The brightness of the signifiers

What is inside words? sometimes we treat words as tangible objects, when we ask ourselves what something means, someone else answers us with a few words trying to enclose in its concept something that is impossible to decipher, when I ask the why of something I just want to open the possibility that magic is everywhere, to describe something is not to get to its essence.

The problem with language is that it always displaces meanings and in that relationship between the sign and the tangible world the truth always slips away, Deleuze and Guattari said that language only transmits a minimum of information to fulfill its true objectives which is to designate discourses, as if talking was only a game of seduction, without a doubt for me this is closer to the truth than almost any other linguistic theory.

It is curious how in the longest and deepest conversations I have had I have the sensation that an invisible light rises in the room and intoxicates those present with a transcendental truth that goes beyond language, remains in the real and is felt in the heart.

Remember to like, mirror, comment and collect.

1 wmatic, 50% referral fee, 7 editions

(photo taken at the Italian restaurant "Fellini" in Pocitos, Montevideo, a place where lots of artists, presidents and public figures have visited, if you go to Montevideo you know where to eat well.)

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Post by @andresbriceno.lens