Tell me 1 thing about Web3 marketing that is WILDLY misunderstood. I’ll go first 👇

…audience ≠ community.

🧊 And that's just the tip of the iceberg...

  • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Nov 22

    Ugh I spent much of last year trying to help people understand this very point.

    Audience = Consumers

    Community = People mutually invested in each other (financially or otherwise)

    Here’s one I wish everyone thoroughly understood:

    [ NFT ownership enables network formation.
    Tokens align network participants. ]

    Every NFT has a list of owners, which can act as a user table for a network. Anyone can add value to that network, including the owners who are most-incentivized.

    • paveldcr@paveldcr·Nov 22

      Trust is much more fragile in Web3 than in Web2.

      • paveldcr@paveldcr·Nov 22

        "You can use regular approach as within Web2"

        • VOYA@thisisvoya·Nov 22


          • AlicΞ@punkess·Nov 22

            well that’s not limited to web3 but imo even more relevant to web3 … there is no „average“. Cluster everything.
