erenxdolu@erenxdolu·Apr 28

%80+ unique holder is really a good stat for an NFT.

Phaver did their best to make distrubution fair and I really liked the whole distrubution period.

If you think the Phaver UP NFT distrubution is not fair, comment your reasons. I'm curious about other opinions

  • Odhunhayor@16-10-2021·Apr 29

    Distribution is fair but how could tens of thousand active users have 2000 ntf released to them. Supply favour those who got luck

    • katabnese@katabnese·Apr 29

      not fair. bot win 🥲

      • Andre@andrenator·Apr 29

        it is not fair because magiceden have bots just to automint the nft, and you can't do anything about it

        • @festusdfirst·Apr 28

          The 2000 supply of Phaver UP NFT is unfair. It should have been sent directly to active users wallets. It's Avery unfair practice

          • @festusdfirst·Apr 28

            It's a bot-like minting, because my transaction never processed

            • @kappash·Apr 28

              Well I wouldn't call it unfair but 15k wallet for 600 assets is a little bit on the disappointing side. So many eligible wallets. collection should have had a higher supply. Also you could have done a raffle between wallets and avoid the fcfs sale which is always giving advantage to those that got best connection. For instance I could not make it since I was at school teaching and my mobile provider suks ping wise. Also I should have been eligible for second round cause I matched all the requirements but for some reasons I was not. It's ok. But it could have been better. I wouldn't call it unfair though

              • LΞO@eraleo·Apr 28

                I'm really disappointed with the distribution. Many of phaver's true devoted users don't have this NFT. Using a FCFS model for an NFT as important as this is totally unfair. Users could have been identified and rewarded just the same way the contributors recieved theirs in their wallet. If i struggled my way up to level 3 and with a frens badge and having the credential NFTs and still don't have Phaver UP NFT, then i see a plain level 2 account that minted because he got lucky makes me wonder if our input level in phaver is really treated with priority.
                If the contributors got a reserved NFT for themselves then why not just reward the deserving users too. Let's not even talk about the supply of 2000 phaver up NFTs..really?? how do they hope to reward all real deserving users with that low supply and still play fair to a reasonable level?

                • @dharasimi20·Apr 28

                  Nothing is fear about the distribution😏

                  • zklegend@zklegend·Apr 28

                    Phaver should have done more to at least recognize their active users.
                    The amount of the NFT is completely unacceptable unless it's categorically designed to favor a selected few.
                    Kols, points whales, phaver OGs, partners, and a tip of other raffled users.

                    • The only ones who somehow got the nfts defend the process 😊

                      • They should have given not to the lucky ones with fastest internet, but the ones effort and spend their time..FCFS is unfair enough ...why 2000? Why not 8888?

                        • Well my experience was quite different , the 1st batch minting was totally unfair , can’t blame phaver tho, one big brained individual just bot snipped 92% of the NFTs.

                          And then later phaver just made it tougher to mint by bringing in various rules and criteria in order to get WL for the 2nd and 3rd Batch.

                          Phaver should have let the people who were not able mint on 1st batch to mint on 2nd / 3rd or could have made a new batch.

                          • Bozcan23@bzcn23·Apr 28

                            Most people thought they would own an NFT after completing the tasks. It was minted via fcfs among those who fulfilled the duties. I think it was a very fair distribution. As @dollowen said, from now on, UP UP UP... 🦄
