Talent Protocol 🤝🏻 Polkamarkets

We are launching the first-ever on-chain forecasting credential.

This initiative aims to certify individuals' ability to produce accurate forecasts, showcasing their research, analysis, and probability assignment skills.

This credential represents a major leap forward in how forecasting skills are demonstrated and recognized in the industry.

We are marking a significant step forward in our shared commitment to innovation, transparency, and the empowerment of Web3-native talent.

About Polkamarkets:

Polkamarkets Labs specializes in crafting social prediction market platforms, fostering insightful engagements around future trends for brands, communities, creators, and companies.

Seamlessly connect with your audience through their tailored solutions.

Now you can apply to jobs by using your Talent Passport on Polkamarkets! ⭐️

📢 Calling all builders to battle-test Talent Protocol V2!

Be one of the first builders to create a Talent Passport, bring your reputation onchain, and earn rewards for being an early adopter ✨

Join the campaign here 👇🏻