@lovecity·Jul 10

Bitcoin Will Be the Currency of AIs#1

By Scott Melker who is known the Wolf of All Streets

In the world of cryptocurrency, filtering out the 'noise' and focusing on the 'signal' can feel like an insurmountable task. Within this digital cacophony, a multitude of voices compete for attention, each promoting diverging ideas and perspectives. It is, therefore, no surprise that newcomers might quickly feel overwhelmed by this complex ecosystem and choose to abandon their crypto adventure prematurely.

Despite the pandemonium, a select few influential figures emerge whose opinions significantly influence the prevailing narrative in the cryptocurrency sphere. One such individual, a personal inspiration of mine, has maintained a somewhat clandestine status among the crypto ranks, despite his profound insights - Arthur Hayes.

For anyone with even the slightest interest in cryptocurrencies, neglecting to familiarize oneself with Arthur Hayes' work equates to a substantial missed opportunity. As a considerable amount of the information shared in this space draws from Hayes' insights, it seemed fitting to spotlight the master himself and delve into his latest piece, titled "Massa," published just recently.

For the uninitiated, Arthur Hayes is synonymous with Bitmex, a pioneering cryptocurrency exchange that embodied the adventurous spirit of early crypto with its daring derivative offerings. Bitmex was a haven for the most audacious investors - it was an all-or-nothing game of chance. After falling under heavy regulatory scrutiny in 2020, Hayes stepped away from Bitmex as it halted operations in the U.S. Thankfully, this was not the last we heard from him.

Bitcoin Will Be the Currency of AIs#1

By Scott Melker who is known the Wolf of All Streets 

In the…