Phi ◱ ◱@philand·Jul 19

✨🌳Midori KlimaDAO🌳✨

Phi is now carbon negative by retiring 100 tonnes of carbon credits in an official collab with KlimaDAO!🤩🌿

Explore and interact with KlimaDAO, and get cute objects as proof of your contribution!

Let's save our planet!🌍💫

Post by @philand.lens
  • @arqavan·Sep 10

    tnx from mother of Nature :)

    • vikas⚡@vikascrunch·Aug 08

      collab with known and trending projects pls 🤐 like wtf is klimaDAO never heard about them . why not add layerzero or linea or base quests ? or maybe add bungee jumper odos bebop type dex tasks .
