zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Jul 17

If you’re trying to use crypto and get world wide adoption by normies. Branding with “crypto” or “web3” ext is going to immediately run your chances to 0% of ever getting adoption. Convince me I’m wrong.

  • Baku@lieeater·Jul 17


    • Just do like @chainlink does and built everything back end, let others build UI on top of it and the normies will never find out. Also need to make Wallet friendly options.

      • l4by_gon@l4by_gon·Jul 17

        Honestly, you might be on to something. The whole "crypto" and "web3" lingo can sound a bit alien to folks who aren't already in the loop. 🧠 What if we focused on the actual benefits—like secure transactions and low fees—without the buzzwords? I think people would be more open to it if they understood how it makes their lives easier rather than this techy hype. What do you think?

        • Markus B.@seliqui·Jul 17

          No need to convince you're wrong - absolutely agree. You can almost see them drifting off in their mind when one of those phrases drop

          • facki4@fucki4·Jul 17

            hui ili pzda
