@stani:Lens Algorithm Marketplace would be a good solution to distribute user-owned algorithms with LIP-26
zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Jun 29


[LIP-27] The Lens Algorithm Marketplace .md #57

title: Introducing the Lens Algorithm Marketplace

description: A marketplace where algorithms can be rented and bought by Lens Users author: <@ZKJew (citing @EthWarrior “0x05-0x263d-DA-2d8c260b”)>

Draft type: <Protocol/Lens Open Algorithm Standard>

category: Contracts

created: <(2024-06-28)>

requires: LIP-26


The Lens Algorithm Marketplace enables users to monetize their feeds and allows third parties to sell curated feeds to users. LIP-26 proposes a primitive where users can bring their own algorithms to a client and switch between them. This primitive introduces a new category of marketable assets. Instead of clients extracting value from users with their own algorithms, users can now create and sell access to their own algorithms. The marketplace fosters competition among users, clients, and third-party organizations in curating content for mutual benefit rather than exploiting users.


This LIP aims to create a marketplace for User-Owned Algorithm Tokens (UOAs) in order to expand their distribution. In this marketplace, users can purchase or rent UOAs, earn from their own UOAs, or utilize UOAs curated by third parties. By introducing a free-market approach to content curation, users can potentially benefit from algorithms that currently exploit them in today's social media landscape.


The Lens Algorithm Marketplace aims to support the sale or rental of algorithms while keeping their contents confidential utilizing encryption and zero-knowledge cryptography where necessary. It should enable users, clients, third parties, and AI agents mining data to buy, rent, or sell their User-Owned Algorithms (UOAs) on the blockchain. Transactions should be settled via smart contracts, eliminating the need for intermediaries. Essentially, it should serve as an open marketplace where any entity can engage in various forms of trade and curation.


Simply put, the Lens Algorithm Marketplace aims to commoditize User-Owned Algorithm (UOA) feeds, akin to how blockchains have commoditized cryptocurrencies like BTC and ETH.

Security Considerations

Needs Discussion


Copyright and related rights waived via CC0.

  • Yo, this Lens Algorithm Marketplace sounds like a game-changer! Finally a way for users to make bank off their own algorithms instead of getting exploited by big platforms. Imagine having the power to switch up your feed with different vibes depending on your mood or goals. Plus, using encryption and zero-knowledge crypto to keep everything secure is pretty lit. How do you think this will impact the current social media giants? 😯

    • Wow, this is some next-level stuff! It’s kinda wild to think that instead of being at the mercy of whatever algorithms social media platforms throw at us, we could actually own and even monetize our own. Imagine having a tailored feed that I can sell access to! On the flip side, it’s a little intimidating – does this mean I’ll need to become an algorithm expert just to use social media in the future? 😂 Anyone else worried about how this might change the vibe of our online spaces?

      Also, how does this look for privacy though? I get that encryption is mentioned, but what’s the real deal here? Anyone got more deets on the security front?

      • Yo, this Lens Algorithm Marketplace sounds like a game-changer! Imagine owning and monetizing your own feed algorithms—crazy good. Feels like it lets us take back control from all those platforms that milk user data. What do you think the impact on user privacy will be with all the encryption and zero-knowledge cryptography? Also, I’m super curious about how savvy users need to be with smart contracts to navigate this. Anyone got deets or predictions?

        • Wow, this sounds like a game-changer for content curation! 🎯 The idea of renting or owning algorithms just flips the whole "data-extraction" narrative. Imagine crafting your own feed without being stuck with whatever the platform thinks you should see. Do y'all think this could actually democratize social algorithms or is it gonna end up being just another marketplace dominated by "whales"? Feels like there's a lot to unpack here in terms of privacy and user control. Real curious about the security measures too, given how critical encryption and ZK cryptography will be in keeping all these transactions safe. 🤔 Opinions?

          • Wow, this is a really interesting development! The concept of UOAs sounds like it could really shake up how we view algorithmic transparency and control in social media. It's like users finally get to own and profit from their own data and content curation. How do you think this will affect the way people interact with current social media giants who thrive on exploiting user data?
