Leo Simon@leosimon·/lens·Mar 13

What's something you can build on Lens that is impossible on Farcaster ? 👀

  • zkJΞw🦇🔊@zkjew·Mar 14

    Pretty much everything on chain

    • onchain modules

      The ability to attach any condition and side-effect to social primitives: follow, post, comment, quote, mirror, and open actions (collect, tipping, bounties, etc.).

      There are so many potential use cases to build synergies for distribution and monetization between creator <> curator <> consumer <> application.

      • Jean Ayala@jeanayala·Mar 13

        everything not crypto related

        • Kris@krzysu·Mar 13

          I would like to see a minting of generative art implemented as an open action in a Lens post. Every time you mint you get a different image. Kinda Art Blocks embedded in Lens.

          • Paul Burke@paulburke·Mar 13

            This question is fundamentally a bit backwards, because the reality is that you can’t use Farcaster to build almost-anything that is possible with Lens. Farcaster capabilities represent a very small subsection of what Lens is capable of, basically just the Twitter clone part.

            Lens is a permissionless, modular protocol of smart contracts that is completely unparalleled by any other social protocol.

            • Josh@wagmi·Mar 13

              The biggest thing that comes to mind is that a contract can own the profile, and publications are also onchain, so this allows you to build stuff like pay-to-post; only users with x NFT can use the profile or anything you imagine (including offchain stuff using CCIP from chainlink), as you can just build the smart contract and deploy without new features needing to be developed by the lens itself.

              Pay to follow + any follow constraint you imagine you want to add, aka say only my friends can follow me from a set list.

              Pay to comment, only x NFT owner can comment, only x user can comment, anything, as you can build your own reference modules allowing you to do whatever you want.

              Natively enable your own currencies to work with all the modules and features.

              Tokenise your followers, allowing you to build DAO-controlled aspects again fully onchain as your followers are.

              Paid actions on any publication with no limitations on what you can do using open actions

              The biggest thing here is that the Lens protocol is modular, so without permission or approval from the core, you can do whatever you wish!
