Added new app to yup live monorepo: yup-live-desktop.

Apps are:
yup-live-desktop(web app bundled into desktop with Tauri on all OSes)
yup-live deployed web app
yup-live-mobile ( app on Android Play Store)

GitHub - andrei0x309/yup-live: A monorepo build with turborepo for yup live, open source client apps for yup backend](
A monorepo build with turborepo for yup live, open source client apps for yup backend - GitHub - andrei0x309/yup-live: A monorepo build with turborepo for yup live, open source client apps for yup ...

Added new app to yup live monorepo: yup-live-desktop.

Apps are:
yup-live-desktop(web app bundled in…