mixtape@mixtapeDec 24

- - - U P D A T E - - -

lens馃尶 2馃捒22 mixtape - snapshot VOTE

4525 votes have been cast as of now. UNBELIEVABLE. Thank you 馃 !!!

Unfortunately there is something more unbelievable ... if you look at the current state of the vote you can see a surprising correlation between the position of the track in the list and the final result. I'm not entirely sure what caused this result, if you have an opinion please let me know.

how to proceed?

The timing is very bad, nevertheless I'd like to try a second vote. This time the vote is limited to people following @mixtape.lens .

I suggest to have 2 oohlala playlists end of the year. 1 with all 61 tracks and 1 with the 22 curated tracks by the following snapshot vote:

where: snapshot ( bit.ly/mixtapesnapshot )

when : NOW (open until 2022-12-30 12:00 AM UTC)

please bring your @mixtape.lens follower NFT. 1 handle 1 vote.

You can VOTE for as many tracks as you wish (1 to 61).

Please let me know what you think. 馃捒

@320colab.lens @alanlili.lens @alarke.lens @alnev.lens @andresbriceno.lens @brenna.lens @bobpeace.lens @sameold.lens @camtrao.lens @christina.lens @cristinaspinei.lens @connectthecoast.lens @blackdave.lens @dradaku.lens @dragaan.lens @jannah.lens @emrahis.lens @gb-ali.lens @henri.lens @infinati.lens @internetfase.lens @jodye.lens @karmavioletta.lens @ls30sounds.lens @larryscruff.lens @lightbeing.lens @lxrdox.lens @magnaa.lens @maxpretends.lens @mrswemusic1.lens @mstrbstrd.lens @nicopollux.lens @ethnomad.lens @originstory.lens @millionrecords.lens @p3t3rango.lens @motiveunknown.lens @polyzoid.lens @pwoseidon.lens @roadwaves.lens @rositron.lens @salti.lens @sayten89.lens @shlippin.lens @stani.lens @sweetman.lens @indexes.lens @themeta.lens @themeta.lens @timcox.lens @unconsciousmotifs.lens @weinbagz.lens @xinobi.lens @zombieshepherd.lens

Post by @mixtape.lens