Lens protocol or CyberConnect?

What do you think? Tell us.

  • Mihrican@mihrican·Aug 19

    I prefer Lens Protocol because it's a much friendlier environment, the interactions really lift your spirits 💚

    • I'm on Hive and Lens, and that's it for me. I have no time nor the desire to join another social platform.

      This is the first time I've heard of CyberConnect so my curiousity made me check them out. First of all, they claim to be Web3's earliest decentralized social network. That's BS, if you know anything at all about on-chain social platforms.

      I've been on one for five years now, starting with the real OG on-chain social network, Steemit, on the Steem blockchain. Steemit and Steem have been around since 2016. I joined Steemit on Jan. 20, 2018, and after two years there we forked it in the summer of 2020, when a bad actor named Justin Sun did a hostile takeover of Steemit. We called the new blockchain, Hive.

      I continued my on-chain social presence there on Hive since that time, and stopped using Steemit. So, I have 2 years on Steemit, and 3 years on Hive, but we can say it's five years total since Hive is essentially a copy of Steemit.

      But Hive has evolved considerably, and into a more decentralized form since we split away from our highly-centralized roots on Steemit. And my five-year tenure on such an on-chain social network never fails to make me utter "bullshit", whenever a new platform comes up and says they're the first.

      But, I wish CyberConnect well, and hope they become successful someday.

      Web3 needs more on-chain platforms for a degen to choose from, as there really isn't going to be one that is "the best" at everything one could expect from such a platform. That is going to be very subjective.

      • Melike@melikebarut·Aug 17

        I really love the Lens community!! Frens are amazing here but why not more frens?
        I mean CyberConnect is public as I know but Lens is not. If Lens will be public, I'm sure the garden will be much more fun 💚

        • Mesut@mesutgulecen·Aug 17

          Both Lens Protocol and CyberConnect are highly innovative and disruptive in their respective areas. The advancements they bring to the table are truly remarkable. But atm, Len is not public yet and CyberConnect is. So, this is a huge advantage for CC. Also they launched their token and this will boost their growth in many ways.

          • 6ender@6ender·Aug 16

            bad exit 🤮

            • 6ender@6ender·Aug 16

              bad exit🤮

              • lens

                • Lens

                  • sangvin@sangvin·Aug 14

                    Since you're asking in Lens, it's obvious which option wins the question 😅

                    Tbh didn't like CyberConnect. It's unclear what to do there now. Maybe in time there will be more projects on it that will form a single understandable ecosystem, but now I don't understand why it is needed at all

                    • Irem Er@iremer·Aug 13

                      Lens! First of all, this is a uniqe community 💚
