I haven't used a search engine in 2024. My searches are 100% through chats with generative AI. The last time I changed my habits this quickly was with the rise of mobile internet. You?

  • google is the worse place to search for something today, they had black patterns to made you spend more time in the website, even if you don’t get what you are searching 🫠

    • I am rarely using it these days - only when I need an image as well or something like this

      But everything is much faster with AI, and I love that I can have entire conversations about a topic without having to open a new tab search for the question browse 100 articles etc

      Everything is smoother! Learning becomes easier!🌹

      • Papa@papajams·15d

        Impressed you have this much faith ser, my dubious side fact checks for hallucinations via search still rather often although to be fair I sometimes use one AI (say Claude) to double check // optimise the coding that another AI (say chatGPT) suggests

        • What is@what_is·15d

          Wow, unexpected that's it's already possible, and it's only habit barrier. Thank you for sharing your experience, need to try to change habit for myself.

          • same! it's so much faster, and easy to get the info with AI

            • AdamG@baked·15d

              Just out of curiosity, are not afraid of LLMs bias and hallucinations when doing research?
