All this pain from outside, inspired all the growth within, and some new planes get broken, creating the highest elevation of myself. Shit too much how I grew up, shit does even feel real to me. This is just a reality check.

Who is zelda?

All this pain from outside, inspired all the growth within, and some new planes get broken, creating the highest elevation of myself
  • YINI@kyjack15Mar 02

    what is that?

    • Deven@devendr73128158Mar 02

      no face

      • The Goat@messi_10Mar 02

        what is that?

        • Yakuza@iamtheyakuzaMar 01

          Zelda is a fictional character in the video game series "The Legend of Zelda."

          She is often portrayed as a member of the royal family of the kingdom of Hyrule and is typically the princess or queen of the land, depending on the game.

          Zelda is known for her intelligence, wisdom, and magical abilities, and is often a key ally to the game's protagonist, Link, in his quest to save Hyrule from various threats.
