Juampi@juampi·Apr 13

I don’t like new notification 🔔

I’m missing many interactions from people that aren’t bots…

Share your experience on this topic

  • Nico Gallardo@nicnode·Apr 14

    I think I got shadowbanned 😂

    • Fresh@le98012659·Apr 14

      Notifications work fine, what don't you like?

      • a1b2@platfor·Apr 14

        I agree, the interaction is valuable or not should be decided by us!

        • Dale Barber@sandroxd·Apr 14

          There will be a lot less feedback and following from ordinary users, and the main notification currently comes from the interaction of quality users. This will make the channel for ordinary users to become premium users narrower!

          • totally true ser. totally agree with you. this is the worst thing that could happen. we all are here for interacting with each other. we are not here just to post. we are here to read people, we are here to listen to our followers and see what they think. hope this changes soon. I mean very soon.

            • Unicore@78578·Apr 14

              May "Turn off high-signal notification filter" can solve this problem!

              • same to me, just wonder how the filtering works

                • Prayag Singh@prayag·Apr 14


                  • It's time to think about how to improve this feature

                    • everyonegods@06666·Apr 14

                      I agree with you, the new notification system can be frustrating at times, especially when it comes to missing out on genuine interactions from real people. I've noticed that sometimes the notifications I receive are not always relevant to my interests, and I end up missing out on important updates from people that I follow.

                      However, I also believe that it's important to keep in mind that social media platforms are constantly evolving and updating their algorithms to improve user experience. While it may take some time to adjust to the changes, it's possible that these updates could lead to more meaningful interactions in the future.

                      In the meantime, I try to stay active on the platform and engage with people I follow to ensure that I don't miss out on any important updates. I also make sure to check my notifications regularly to avoid overlooking any important interactions. What about you?

                      • Juampi@juampi·Apr 13

                        Great to see that @lenster.lens has an option to disable this notification system.

                        @orbapp.lens @buttrfly.lens do you have this option? Or are you working on something similar?

                        • ok

                          • Ruthless@ruthless·Apr 13

                            What‘s new about them?

                            • Markus B.@seliqui·Apr 13

                              Yeah, false positives are to be expected at the beginning. But since it's machine learning, things should improve over time.

                              Meanwhile you can toggle between filtered and all notifications.

                              • James853@00968·Apr 13

                                Bots are just part of the game noq unfortunately. You'll never get rid of them.

                                • Guty@gutybv·Apr 13

                                  Same here. I made a comment to someone who was following me, but he didn't receive it. And yesterday, I tagged someone who follows me and whom I follow back in a photo, but he never received the notification. Maybe for Lens, I am a bot hahaha

                                  Animation Friends GIF by Bob's Burgers
                                  • Lauti@0xlauti·Apr 13

                                    The same happens to me
