Teufzer@teufzer·May 17

🪂 The week 3 @LineaBuild voyage quest is live

📌109 points to be claim


1️⃣ Add Linea RPC : chainlist.org/chain/59140

2️⃣ Get 0.5 Linea ETH : www.infura.io/faucet/linea

3️⃣ Switch to Linea network first❗️ Important

4️⃣ Go to : testnet.zonic.app/explore?filter=%7B%22sort_by%22:%22listed_lowest_price%22,%22tab%22:1,%22chain%22:59140%7D

  • Click 'Connect'

  • Buy 2 NFT

sort new listing

└ Why Buy 2 NFT? Because we need to Sell and Transfer NFT

└ if it shows "execution reverted", try buy another NFT

5️⃣ Go to Profile : testnet.zonic.app/profile?filter=%7B%22tab%22:0,%22chain%22:59140%7D

  • Click NFTs

  • Click L (linea logo) to check your NFT

└ See pic above if you're confused

6️⃣ Click your 1st NFT

  • Sell NFT

  • Set price below 0.005 ETH (must)

  • List item

7️⃣ Click your 2nd NFT -

  • Transfer NFT (to another address)

8️⃣ Mint Linea x Zonic NFT : apetimism.com/launchpad/lineaape

9️⃣ Go to Galxe : galxe.com/Linea/campaign/GCEMnUEySZ

  • Wait 24 hours

  • Click Verify on All "Zonic" task

Note : This post is only for Zonic task, i will post for another task later