Yo @stani how can I repay my @aaveaave loan using the collateral ?

It says "No routes found.." but the collateral should be enough to pay debt 🤷♂️


Post by @nicocapital
  • MwamedAcen@mwamedacen·Jan 13


    • Mark@grothe·Jan 03

      Hey! So this is an issue with paraswap and not being able to find a route available that has enough liquidity to swap the AAVE collateral for GHO. We’ve pinged their team about it and they are investigating. I’ll let you know if there is any update.

      A potential work around would be to swap you AAVE collateral to USDC or ETH, and then repay. Not ideal, but there should be routes with liquidity for those assets.

      • bear@christy·Jan 02

        good job

        • Stani@stani·Jan 02

          lemme check, does it say the same issue if you select an amount?
