Oknim@01h24Apr 10

Hello! We're here to introduce @youmemeworld.lens , a Web3 platform for Meme-to-Earn馃殌 creators from around the world, with YouMeMe mascot! 馃帀

YouMeme is a platform where users from all over the world can create memes and find laughter, making it the ultimate place for creativity and fun. Even better, our Meme-to-Earn model allows creators to monetize their memes馃帹

Be a part of YouMeme's Meme-to-Earn social network full of amazing features! 馃帹

#Oknim #Meme #YouMeme #M2E #Web3

Post by @01h24.lens
  • Oknim@01h24May 22

    Oh my god... I'm CORN my fren..馃槨 If you call me a potato one more time...馃槻 'I'll find you..and I...' @youmemeworld.lens

    Comment by @01h24.lens
    • YouMeme@youmemeworldMay 22

      Just noticed this sweet little potato. Looks so cute! 馃槏

      Thanks a bunch fren 馃挏

      • @holdyouhandApr 12

        Nor is getting rich due to doing things which others fail to do; for two men in the

        • @hhpppApr 12

          Thinking Substance takes the form of its thought, and moves according to the thought.

          • carragher@carragherApr 11

            The more men who get rich on the competitive plane, the worse for others; the more

            • Scott Linn@scottlinnApr 10

              In order to do this, man must pass from the competitive to the creative mind; he

              • Scott Linn@scottlinnApr 10

                That he may receive what he wants when it comes, man must act NOW upon the people
