Jakub Charvát@jakub·Feb 11

📊 Weekly CPR/CFR Report #1 📊

This week marked the successful launch of the @meetvers.lens API! 🤩 This powerful tool offers networking, social, and asset data to all the talented developers out there on Lens Protocol, as well as to all the projects looking to analyze their communities, and so on.

Our big data solutions aim to innovate and drive growth of all the disruptive dApps on Lens Protocol 📈 Some of the use cases for Meetvers include content curation, token-gating, networking, or statistics. Deriving our data could be also used for various other purposes — influencer, engagement, or trust scoring of the profiles.

As you may have seen in my previous posts, I have been sharing information on the Collects/Posts Ratio (CPR) and Collects/Followers Ratio (CFR), which could be considered as some kind of influencer/engagement scoring, or as a part of such scoring system. (Meetvers Score Inc. 🤔)

In this post, I'd like to continue and start tracking the changes of these metrics for Lens profiles with 100+ followers, 1+ posts, and 1+ collects. These are the initial statistics:

Collects/Posts Ratio (100+ followers, 1+ posts, 1+ collects: 5434)

📊 Average: 8,049

📊 Median: 0,265

📊 Max: 4,732.625

1️⃣ @rabbithole.lens

2️⃣ @vitalik.lens

3️⃣ @lensprotocol

And among profiles with 500+ posts (141)

📊 Average: 0,965

📊 Median: 0,067

📊 Max: 73,992

1️⃣ @stani.lens

2️⃣ @holdbtc.lens

3️⃣ @gotenks.lens

Collects/Followers Ratio (100+ followers, 1+ posts, 1+ collects: 5434)

📊 Average: 0,177

📊 Median: 0,045

📊 Max: 20,694

1️⃣ @mygarden.lens

2️⃣ @naomi.lens

3️⃣ @apwine.lens

And among profiles with 1000+ followers (359)

📊 Average: 0,393

📊 Median: 0,118

📊 Max: 4,930

1️⃣ @lensprotocol

2️⃣ @teaparty.lens

3️⃣ @holdbtc.lens

Keep in mind, the data might be always a bit outdated. It shall always be for the same period of time (every Wednesday) but I cannot promise it will be always posted right after that 🤠 You can always check for the latest data on meetvers.io – what do you think, shall we add CPR/CFR as a sorting function, @ttrader.lens ?

Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to track, or if there's anything I can improve. I welcome your feedback!

And who do you think will ”win“ the next week? Let’s bet!


Meetvers API Announcement: lenster.xyz/posts/0x98dd-0x1d

Collects/Posts Ratio: lenster.xyz/posts/0x95ef-0x75

Collects/Followers Ratio: lenster.xyz/posts/0x95ef-0x44

Post by @jakub.lens