Decentral Games@decentralgames¡Jul 07

Airdrop alert 📢

If you collected our last post, we just airdropped your free @lensprotocol.lens ICE Poker skin!

You can now wear it around Decentraland and equip it to play ICE Poker. Each skin comes with 9 Shine (3 free tournament entries)!

Here’s how to start playing in under a few minutes:

• Log in at:
• Click “Edit Outfit” and equip your Lens skin.
• Click “Join a Game” and then click “3 Shine Hyper Turbo”.
• Your tournament will start when 6 players are seated. Stakes will increase every 2 minutes—win chips to avoid being eliminated.

If you place top 2, you’ll win badges that you can redeem for prizes like iPhones, NFTs, and more. If you place 1st, you’ll also win your tournament entry (Shine) back.

You can also play our Free Play mode to level up and earn ICE Poker chests for more rewards.

See you at the tables 👋