Nikoemme@nikoemme·Feb 23

I want to share a lens Dapp that I built starting from lenstok repo.
People how know me , know that since a year ago I never written a code in my life . During this year I worked every day after work (Metalworker )lol.
During this year I joined a alchemy university , buildspace , and Learnweb3 .
I built a decentralized exchange and now I started to learn how to build social apps and other things to complete my life changing goal of become a developer .
This is just a prewview , I implemented @xmtp.lens_ and @lensprotocol.lens and I love to build it during my small free time .
I made this post to show you a video preview .
Enjoy ! Ps I love build things this will be my work for sure if I continue to improve my knowledge and skills everyday .