How do people optimize their weekend time without feeling on a schedule like during the week? Halp

  • Infinati@infinati·Jun 04

    Not sure but I took a day off Lens and most apps yesterday on Sunday. I think cutting back 66% or so may help but I haven’t tried that for a full weekend.

    • Rizzn@rizzn·Jun 03

      Unless I'm in grind mode, I employ as little structure as possible on weekends. They are a black box of time that relaxation sometimes occurs in.

      • Shakil Khan@02079·Jun 03


        • I take off my watch. I don’t look at time. I don’t sleep until I fall asleep.

          • Samm@sababa·Jun 02

            We do live like dog years daily, there’s that. Schedule? I take back my time. I made Mondays beach day, now I look forward to Monday. I take the time to reflect and assess what I did and what I didn’t do.

            • Watcher@watchereth·Jun 02

              Sundays are like mondays saturdays are like Wednesdays

              Makes life much easier

              • i think of it as :

                generally A, B, C is what i want to get done but when i do that and in what order is up to me

                vs during M-F there is very fixed structure with external dependencies on timelines and meetings

                (this only works for the “me only” things, doesn’t work for meeting up with people or events)

                • Exoteric@exoteric·Jun 02

                  Weekends have been a powerful society norm since the first society really. Everyone needs rest and recoup. And the ability to have healthy friendships and relationships
