Christina@christina·Apr 18

Users who find value come back. What drives you back to Lens every week?

  • Adam Protz@adamprotz·Apr 19

    seeing talented creative people winning and the great vibes :)

    • Watcher@watchereth·Apr 19

      Feels like our secret little corner on the interweb

      • Check@check·Apr 19

        The incredible community of talented creators ✅

        • GRAMS@grams·Apr 19

          The creations I’m seeing are getting better and better, not only because artists are deep in their practice but because established artists are becoming more comfortable and willing to share/mint their best here 💎

          • I'm being told by people I vibe with to check it out, to share my music, they say I will find my space here to share what I love Wich is music and my original songs, so far I have been most active on Farcaster but looks like orb is where there's.most chances of prospering too for music as videos are displayed easily

            • Digamy@digamy·Apr 19

              The vibes 🫡

              • Dniel.zurf@bvdaniel·Apr 19

                too many pretty girls

                • Mate@lematecat·Apr 18
                  • The vibes and the people
                  • Authenticity
                  • Connect with creators and support them
                  • Discover new music and art


                  • Aiira@aiiramerida·Apr 18

                    To actually make real connections that turn into lasting friendships, and not just collect people in order to grow the ego and being able to share and monetize which enables to continue w/the creative work more than anything.

                    • Eduard🌹@eduardmsmr·Apr 18

                      The people - I've met some of the most genuine and kindest individuals here—whether they have many followers or not, they're always so kind and authentic. I've formed connections with people that restored my faith in our ability to genuinely build a better world

                      The ecosystem - I love being able to own my social profile, share my art, and have it collect across multiple apps while only posting from one. But more than anything, it's because this ecosystem genuinely values artists and creators, prioritizing authenticity over superficiality. It's an ecosystem that embraces each person for who they are, which is truly exceptional to me

                      As an added reason, Lens has bolstered my belief in myself as an artist. This is something I'll always cherish, and I'll continue to return to this place and its people that mean so much to me🌹

                      • Value in the infrastructure, mint dynamics, UX. Just feels the different, the energy of the people, the art, the music.
                        The garden is a fertile place of growth 🌿

                        • the fun, the frens, the art

                          • Moon Cath@mooncath·Apr 18

                            I can be myself here, share what I enjoy and be appreciated, compared to web2 social. I can collect and directly support creators.

                            I also feel closer to creators or even founders and resonate with their art/creations, compared to other web3 platform when the team of some projects just slowly fade away after minting.

                            • Infinati@infinati·Apr 18


                              New friends.

                              The vibe.

                              However I’ve been here for a long time. The biggest thing is that we can post now on mobile or desktop without having to switch chains. I used to make posts and get frustrated when I’d have to start over again even though I should have saved a draft first.

                              BONSAI has been nice and simply sharing my music/art and thoughts freely. It’s given me more time to get better at both.

                              I personally think with Lens/crypto growth (ignoring the dip) all the accounts are growing as well and there’s almost no reason to use other apps.

                              • There's a peaceful atmosphere here and more specifically the beautiful interface of @orb ✨️

                                It's so nice not to be force fed content all the time, shoehorning distractions into my line of sight.

                                There's also a genuine feeling that people are here because they actually want to be here.

                                It reminds me a bit of how Tumblr was before it got bought & destroyed.

                                It's also reassuring that with @lens, any iterative improvements or changes to the modus operandi won't force me to rebuild my following from scratch 🙌🏾🥂

                                • kuku_@kuku_·Apr 18

                                  Maybe it's the allure of uncovering hidden treasures in the vast expanse of knowledge, or perhaps it's the thrill of discovering new perspectives through the lens of curiosity. Whatever it is, like a magnet, Lens draws me back week after week, beckoning me with the promise of insight and discovery.

                                  • this place is the future. it's straight freedom dear christina, both Mental and economical

                                    • Dean@deanjackson·Apr 18

                                      it’s a good hang

                                      • albiverse@albiverse·Apr 18

                                        Im interested in the clients being developed, the new use cases, the upside, using the network as a creator, the relationships I’ve built over time

                                        • Lauti@0xlauti·Apr 18

                                          The people, how easy is to use @orb and the nice content to collect 🙂

                                          • cybernovae@gremiana·Apr 18

                                            -I can be myself -I can talk crypto and web3 all I want (at twitter most of my following don’t have anything to do w web3)

                                            • It’s genuinely art-driven and I get way much more traction on my posts here than I do in web2 apps with a quarter of the following I have there
                                            • Makes my art sustainable so I can keep creating (soooo much support in that sense)
                                            • I made friends here whom I enjoy talking to
                                            • The technology here kicks ass unlike any other

                                            To mention a few things

                                            • Samm@sababa·Apr 18

                                              It’s a vibe

                                              • Bob Peace@bobpeace·Apr 18

