Christina@christina·Mar 10

web3 companies with only men at the exec level are 🚩 🚩 🚩

  • MkkStacks@mkkstacks·Mar 11

    I agree and definitely look at team makeup when considering how I engage with a project. Well-rounded teams with a variety of experiences and perspectives produce better outcomes and create spaces that serve wider audiences.

    There should be contrasts between the people on teams to encourage healthy conflicts toward the best solutions. For this to work well, a team has to be intentional about building an inclusive culture so that biased behavior doesn't dull the team's potential.

    • daiwei1977@dawei1977·Mar 11


      • 🤡🤡🤡

        • Depends for me sometimes they could even be a very big green flag would mean they not trying to hire a woman on the exec level just to "fit the agenda" in web3 there is less woman than mean meaning it is obvious that it is harder to find a woman for a possition than a man and if company will pick underqualified woman for a possition rather than a man who has more qualifications just becouse he is in the space for longer than i belive that is a red flag as then we are picking people based on gender not their qualifications

          Gender has nothing to do with how company operates we should look at people linkedins to see what they achived and how did they educate themselves rather than judge a company based on the gender that somone is

          • Vegeta@princevegeta·Mar 10

            are we sure they aren’t the suits from the matrix ?
