Christina@christina·Oct 06

Didnt hate the audio-on default when this livestream appeared on my feed on but interested in what other people think?

  • Tilda@16580·Oct 07

    There are more software available for live streaming.

    • Christina@christina·Oct 07

      Maybe it was just the first time kicks. One thing it brought to my hey feed was it did bring my immediate attention

      • SaLi 🪴@itsali·Oct 06

        Same here. Horrible sound played 🤐

        • Insta tried that for a moment and I had to stop using the whole app until they reverted that terrible decision as 90% of my social use is in situations where I don’t want people to hear it 😅 Also why I never use TikTok🫣

          • this stream is def NOT safe for work haha
