Christina@christina·Oct 01

Who knows what the vegetable on the left is? Sunday field trip to Indian grocery store

Who knows what the vegetable on the left is? Sunday field trip to Indian grocery store
  • Poster@posterdotfun·Oct 05

    eww, its so bitter!
    It's called bitter gourd aka "Karela" >>> children are warned if they eat too much candy, they will be forced fed karela!

    • tomato@thefaketomato·Oct 03

      The one on the left is tomatoes. 😄

      • azeem@azeem·Oct 02

        The green one is bitter melon.

        • sydney_bro@sydney_bro·Oct 01

          I know 🖐, it's called tomatoes 🍅, some even argue that tomatoes are not a vegetable but a fruit.
