When did you wake up gentlements?

  • I had a few moments of awakening, but the biggest one happened when I was 31. At that point, I realized my anger, hatred, and the past I thought I had moved on from were actually holding me back. I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life, and it hit me hard. A series of events unfolded, including a near-death experience, that shifted everything.

    That was the turning point. I started reading and learning obsessively, devouring more books in one year than I had in my entire life before. I changed my mindset, developed emotional intelligence, and transformed my profession and personal life. Since then, every five years has brought new changes—new careers, new habits, new realizations.

    The second major awakening was about food. I realized everything we were taught from TV about health was a lie. What we thought was healthy wasn’t. That’s when I switched to a plant-based diet, and it changed everything again.

    • You are gonna save yourself

      • I woke up about 14 years old.
