This morning I've been messing around with the 'Generative Fill' feature in the Photoshop beta, and honestly, it's got me questioning: what even is a photo anymore?! 🤯 The original picture (first one) is in portrait format shot at Geierlay Suspension Bridge, Germany, and all the landscape ones were generated using Photoshop.

Would you question any of the pictures if you stumbled upon them online? Mind you, this is still in beta, and Adobe arguably has the biggest database and the most experience in photo manipulation to make it look flawless (Or flawed enough to make it seem real 🥴)

This morning I've been messing around with the 'Generative Fill' feature in the Photoshop beta, and
  • Fitz152@fitz152·Aug 24


    • I really am scared at the rate Ai generated a very accurate real worldly picture 🖼️ MEHN

      • Samir@0xsamir·Jun 19

        And the future of AI must be crazy and scary too

        • Diamond@00427·Jun 19

          Take a lot of photos and have a lot of experience, naturally, skill will be born, then beauty will be born

          • In fact we don't even know what reality is

            • PP Jun@51951·Jun 19

              It doesn't matter how it was formed, the mood at that time is very important

              • @automakers·Jun 19

                holly cow man ! adobe firefly extension ?! i didn't try it for my self to be honest but from samples i have seen and your photos i mean this is really crazy ! amazing question you asked ! we have to come up with new meaning for many terms now a days ! what the heck photo even is now !

                • KeyNG. kk@village212·Jun 19
                  Art Design GIF by hoppip
                  • photo looks pretty wild

                    • Zo@zospours·Jun 18

                      Damn that is crazy! I haven’t played around with it yet! Maybe when I get to travelling some more and have some new photos

                      • anhchienmk@chienpa·Jun 18

                        So high

                        • Graham@goodkrak·Jun 17

                          Dude, I have much to say on this topic. One important note is that this 'what is a photo' feeling is going to rip through society as it comes for each and every skill set.

                          AI will be great for marketing content, micro content, those quick snackable things. It succeeds at creating fiction but still fails at capturing reality (photography is still better).

                          I hope that we see a craftsman renaissance. If AI can make images no problem then what am I to do with my time?

                          My reaction is to go back in time to analog and the weird arcane parts of the craft. Or find new novel ways to work with the AI in more fluid, human ways to create images (something without laptop intermediary).

                          Anyways, it's a wild feeling but quite frankly this trend started when the iPhone put smart cameras in everyone's pockets.

                          How society will handle this when it becomes a better accountant, nurse, writer, policy maker will be an interesting story to watch play out. Methinks the kiddos of today are going to grow into quite a different future.

                          • shoker@incorporated·Jun 17


                            • roozy@roozy·Jun 17


                              • For me doesn’t matter if it’s a photo or generative art. The result counts. It’s just another tool. 🤭 how do we get access to this btw?

                                • at first sight, I wouldn't question any of those images. given I have no idea how Adobe is accomplishing things here, but it seems the first (?) thing Photoshop is doing, is giving the image more "depth". my english is bad and I don't even know image manipulation lingo. what I mean: the bridge is artificially stretched, the guy on the bridge is smaller, more in the background towards the horizon. of course, Photoshop has to do this in order to provide more space to fill left, right, and on the top of the image. as a consequence of this stretch the mountings of the guardrail seem to be wrong. they would cover too much distance. in this example, this might give away that it's an artificial image.

                                  • I wouldn't question any of these, that's quite scary. Do you think these would still be considered photographs by people or AI generated images?
