Gm - Do you feel inclined to collect 'free collects' on Lens? why/why not?

I want to make use of free collects as a database for future drops/utilities/raffles, but at the moment it's mostly the bot-like accounts collecting them. 🤖

imo, free-collects only truly make sense when there is a clear benefit associated with them, which should be explained in the same post offering it. For example, if a post states that the first 10 collectors will be eligible for an upcoming raffle, it provides a tangible incentive for collecting it. Without such incentives, I haven't come across many reasons to actively pursue collecting them. 🤔

  • dre@qingisdead·Jun 20

    free collects may in the future evolve into a form of bookmarking

    • Ryan Fox@ryanfox·Jun 19

      I collect free collects, usually with no immediate expectation on Lens. When I used to use OnCyber heavily and liked to decorate the walls of my spaces with art, I was more incentivized to collect and at all price points. It’s why I have a large collection of cheap Tezos art, actually, because I could immediately use them in OnCyber.

      This is why I keep stressing the need for “apps which use collects” — a personal database is cool but it’s a lot of work! We both know that! By creating NFTs people are simply creating data in a public database. Building Apps which use that data helps the creators provide immediate utility to that data. Instagram not only lets you create photos, but you can share them immediately with the entire world rather than having to text all of your family or friends individually. You can immediately use the photos you’ve created in the app. Soundxyz lets artists publish music and adds immediate utility to everything collected on there, from playing the music in a great player, to connecting fans, displaying collectors, having charts, etc. An app which lets users showcase their art collections will incentivize users to collect more art, -especially- free editions.

      All of my coffee/beer/cocktail photos are free collects—Not a thoughtless act. One day there may be an app in which people actually display these photos. At a minimum I would count that as fans promoting/repping me. Just like hanging a band’s poster or wearing their tshirt. Also one day I might be able to easily see who’s actually displaying my photos, not just letting them sit undiscovered in a database. Things could get interesting then 🤔

      • MOΞ@0xmoe·May 17

        Free collects can sometimes make sense. But the way things are on lens right now, they're more spam than not. So I'm emphasizing paid collects much more in Buttrfly.

        • basically, I also collect free ones.

          however, if you want to combine them with raffles and the like, I assume they were collected by the "wrong" people. yeah, that's an arrogant thought.

          • Henry.Sui@mrravi253·May 16


            • huugo@huugo·May 16

              I collect free…but I also collect 0.0001 Matic. Great way to eliminate bots, imo

              • Botlike accounts?

                what do you mean tyler the creator GIF
                • Ben@benbassler·May 16

                  As a newcomer to Lens this is something I've been thinking about too. Collects are a powerful feature, but without an incentive I don't quite get why users would collect a post. 🤔

                  • I don't think too much about it - i collect if i like something

                    • Olá 🙂 I believe that the free collectibles would work better, in their most varied applications, if there was the possibility of a limited number and mainly, if it was token gated by another collectible native to Lens or by any other NFT collectible (such as a limited collection of "bored monkeys" exclusive to Lens, but only for those who already own one of them... which would make a lot of sense to bring already established communities on other platforms to Lens).

                      • I just collect whatever I want too. I haven't given it any thought tbh

                        • Wazzup@wazzup·May 16


                          • AlicΞ@punkess·May 16

                            gm ☕️ I tend to collect what I 🤍 ;-) (if it’s in my price range). I think collects will be a lot better supported by (dedicated) apps in the future, looking forward to all the collect/nft based use cases that will be enabled.
                            -> yes I collect free posts if I 🤍 the content. (from JPEGs to follower NFTs and everything in between :-))

                            • MazeMari@mazemari·May 16

                              Gm! I like the idea of 'limited by number' free collects, but it's not supported here. And the raffle idea too.

                              But i collect free posts here too, just bcs i like the picture/video/whatever it is, and i want to save it for myself 💫
