Pussy Riot - 10 Years Later - Open Edition - “No Pasaran!”

Description: This 24 hour open-edition piece is the first part of the 10 Years Later collection, commemorating the 10 year anniversary since our sentencing in Moscow on August 17, 2012 for our protest action against Putin.

Anyone who collects this post will be able to redeem for the AR No Pasaran shirt. Collectors of this piece will be able to redeem for an AR DRESSX version of the shirt in the next few days.

Personal Statement:
The prison guards don't let you own any clothes that's not black in a penal colony.

One summer day they gathered all 1,000 prisoners and searched our bags thoroughly. They stole all sorts of stuff from us.

One woman had a pair of pink silk slippers that she'd been holding dearly. In her own words, they were "slippers for my death" - in case she died while doing her time, she wanted to be buried in them.

My "No Pasaran!" shirt was taken away. I bonded with this shirt during our long trips to a courtroom, sharing with it my tiniest, dark and dirty court cells. I wore it on my sentence day, sitting in my "No Pasaran!" in a tiny dark court cell awaiting to hear about my fate and thinking about Stalin's repressions of 1937, sorrows, and tragedies that our governments always bring to us… people who simply want to think, love, wonder and create.

I begged the guards to let me hold on to this shirt. It's not just a piece of clothing, but the only thing that was left for me from the outside, free, activist and alive world that I used to live in.

They took it and burned it.

Now I can reclaim this shirt in the metaverse - and anyone who wants can collect it, and have it in their digital closet with DRESSX.

"No Pasaran!" means “They will not pass!” , used in opposition to fascists. It was used during the Spanish Civil War, at the siege of Madrid by Dolores Ibárruri Gómez, a member of the Communist Party of Spain, in her famous "No pasarán" speech on 18 July 1936.

Your keys, your shirt. No fascist prison guards can steal it from you.
Nadya Tolokonnikova, Pussy Riot

Post by @pussyriotxyz.lens