🌿 Rooting in Web3 — day 12 Introducing @TroopFinance

What is Troop? @TroopFinance official intro: Create and manage a portfolio together with your frens. Collaborate on your investments while earning rewards and reputation. They are one of the grant winners from @LensProtocol , which we believe will integrate Lens in the future!

Our opinion about http://localhost:3000/u/TroopFinance](https://twitter.com/TroopFinance)) (NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE):

Troop is going to innovate how investment is done in such a way that it is practiced in the form of a "troop" or a group of your friends in a fun and engaging way.

The key highlight of Troop is "Join an investment portfolio with friends" So how does it work? 🤔 Let me walk you through it.

There are 3 important components: ** •** Rewards & Reputation ** •** Hive mind ** •** Exclusivity

More details about "How community portfolios work" in the pictures of this post.

Finally, there is a demo from http://localhost:3000/u/TroopFinance,](https://twitter.com/TroopFinance)) regarding how to create/join a troop: <twitter.com/teapartylife/status/1555431172510851072>

Again, not financial advice! If you would like to know more about http://localhost:3000/u/TroopFinance](https://twitter.com/TroopFinance)) project, please DYOR: 🌐 <troop.finance> 💬 <t.me/troopfinance>

Post by @teaparty.lens