Aleh@aleh_n·Nov 06

I have a hackathon idea and need your feedback.

Main idea: Reward the conference speaker.

User story: As a conference speaker I want to receive feedback regarding my context and earn some rewards from the participants.

Flow: In the end of the deck speaker shares QR code and participants are able to 'collect' slides or other materials for the small amount of crypto (e.g 1 MATIC).

Benefits: For the speaker - feedback and rewards. For the participants - collectable deck in a form of NFT.

Stack: Lens protocol, JavaScript library which is used by hackmd for slide view.

  • 0xWildhare@0xwildhare·Nov 06

    If I buy all the slides in the deck can I qualify for special content 👉👈

    • Aleh@aleh_n·Nov 06

      Btw. I have found this JS library:

      • YouMeme@youmemeworld·Nov 06

        Love the idea, could be huge

        • Jenny@jenny·Nov 06

          i like it also as a way for the presentation to be curated into the points that resonate most. some fear of it becoming like a buzz feed list but you would get a lot of signal if it’s individual slides that people collect vs the whole deck

          • Stani@stani·Nov 06

            I could see value in being able to tip someone who gives a presentation
